Friday, February 26, 2010


I realize we have been a bit spoiled this winter with the relatively mild weather and lack of snow, however, that doesn't stop you from craving spring weather. I discovered this is not just an adult thing. The other day Payton mentioned to me when she saw all the new snow, that she thought winter was over and spring was almost here. I realized at that time how much she misses playing outside. I have never seen a child that loves to be outside like she does. She becomes super stir crazy when she can't get outside and ride her bike and take her "babies" around the block in the strollers or wagon. Not only that, but the backyard becomes like a new room in the house. Suddenly all of the strollers and babies make it out the garage or backyard, the marker bucket and papers all end up in the play house for "school". The dog sleeps on the patio chairs in the sun rather than the couch, and the windows are opened up and the fresh air is let in.

The picture below is what we see when we look out the window to the backyard.

Somewhat desolate and depressing. However, just sitting there waiting for spring weather like we are.

Hopefully not too much longer...!


  1. Just 22 day until spring. If it's going to snow let it come now! Then we can think of RV season.

  2. I totally agree. If I close my eyes I can hear the kids splashing in our pool, but when I open them......I don't even see the pool.
